Source code for ringo.model.mixins

Mixins can be used to add certain functionality to the items of a
module.  Mixins are used in multiple inheritance. The mixin ensures that
the item will have all needed fields in the database and provides the
proper interface to use the added functionality. Example::

        class Comment(BaseItem, Nested, Meta, Owned, Base):
            __tablename__ = 'comments'
            _modul_id = 99
            id = sa.Column(sa.Integer, primary_key=True)
            comment = sa.Column('comment', sa.Text)


The comment class in the example only defines the two fields `id` and
`comment`. But as it inherits from the `Nested`, `Meta` and
`Owned` mixin it also will have date fields with the creation and date of
the last update, references to the user and group which ownes the Comment.
Further the 'Nested' mixin will ensure the comments can reference each other
to be able to build a hierarchy structure (e.g Threads in the example of the

.. note::
   The Comment Mixin has been removed from ringo and converted in the
   the ringo comment extension.

.. important::

    As most of the mixins will add additional tables and database fields
    to your item it is needed to migrate your database to the new model.
import datetime
import json
import logging
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declared_attr

from sqlalchemy import (

from sqlalchemy.orm import (

from ringo.model import Base
from ringo.lib.helpers import get_raw_value
from ringo.lib.alchemy import get_columns_from_instance

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class Mixin(object):
    """Base mixin class"""

    def get_mixin_actions(cls):
        """Returns a list of actions specific for the mixin. Overwrite
        this method if you want to add custom actions for your mixin.

        :returns: List of ActionItems
        return []

[docs]class StateMixin(object): """Mixin to add one or more Statemachines to an item. The statemachines are stored in a internal '_statemachines' dictionary. The current state is stored as integer value per item. This field must be created manually. The name of the field which stores the value for the current state must be the keyname of the '_statemachines' dictionary. Example Mixin usage:: class FooMixin(StateMixin): # Mixin inherited from the StateMixin to add the Foobar # state machine # Attach the statemachines to an internal dictionary _statemachines = {'foo_state_id': FooStatemachine} # Configue a field in the model which saves the current # state per state machine foo_state_id = sa.Column(sa.Integer, default=1) # Optional. Create a property to access the statemachine # like an attribute. This gets usefull if you want to access # the state in overview lists. @property def foo_state(self): state = self.get_statemachine('foo_state_id') return state.get_state() """ """Mapping of statemachines to attributes. The key in the dictionary must be the name of the field which stores the integer value of the current state of the statemachine.""" _statemachines = {} @classmethod def list_statemachines(cls): """Returns a list keys of configured statemachines""" return cls._statemachines.keys() def change_state(self, request, key, old_state_id, new_state_id): """Changes the state of the given statemachine from old to new. The statemachine is identified by the key in the _statemachines dictionary""" log.debug("%s -> %s" % (old_state_id, new_state_id)) sm = self.get_statemachine(key, old_state_id, request) sm.set_state(new_state_id) # clear cached statemachines setattr(self, '_cache_statemachines', {}) def get_statemachine(self, key, state_id=None, request=None): """Returns a statemachine instance for the given key :key: Name of the key of the statemachine :state_id: initial state of the statemachine :returns: Statemachine instance """ if not hasattr(self, '_cache_statemachines'): cache = {} else: cache = getattr(self, '_cache_statemachines') if key not in cache: cache[key] = self._statemachines[key](self, key, state_id, request) setattr(self, '_cache_statemachines', cache) else: # As the statemachine is cached we need to overwrite the # internale _request parameter to have the current request # available in the state. cache[key]._request = request return cache[key]
[docs]class Meta(object): """Mixin to add a created and a updated datefield to items. The updated datefield will be updated on every update of the item with the datetime of the update. Date will be saved in UTC""" created = Column(DateTime, default=datetime.datetime.utcnow) updated = Column(DateTime, default=datetime.datetime.utcnow) @classmethod def update_handler(cls, request, item): """Will update the updated attribute to the current datetime. The mapper and the target parameter will be the item which iherits this meta mixin. :request: Current request :item: Item handled in the update. """ item.updated = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
class Blob(object): """Mixin to add a data fields to store form data as JSON in a single field. The mixin will overwrite the way how to get the form definiton and how to get values from the item.""" data = Column(Text, default="{}") def __getattr__(self, name): """This function tries to get the given attribute of the item if it can not be found using the usual way to get attributes. In this case we will split the attribute name by "." and try to get the attribute along the "." separated attribute name.""" data = getattr(self, 'data') if data: json_data = json.loads(getattr(self, 'data')) if name in json_data: return json_data[name] return get_raw_value(self, name) def set_values(self, values, use_strict=False): """Will set the given values into Blobform items. This function overwrites the default behavior of the BaseItem and takes care that the data will be saved in the data attribute as JSON string.""" json_data = json.loads(self.get_values().get('data') or "{}") columns = get_columns_from_instance(self, True) for key, value in values.iteritems(): # Ignore private form fields if key.startswith('_'): continue if key in columns: log.debug("Setting value '%s' for '%s' in DB" % (value, key)) setattr(self, key, value) else: if isinstance(value, value = str(value) log.debug("Setting value '%s' for '%s' in JSON" % (value, key)) json_data[key] = value setattr(self, 'data', json.dumps(json_data)) class Blobform(Blob): """Enhances the Blob class and make the form configurable. The fid references the form definiton.""" @declared_attr def fid(cls): return Column(Integer, ForeignKey('')) @declared_attr def form(cls): form = relationship("Form", uselist=False) return form class Version(Base): __tablename__ = 'versions' id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) values = Column(Text, nullable=False) author = Column(String, nullable=False) date = Column(DateTime, nullable=False) class Versioned(object): """Mixin to add version functionallity to a modul. This mixin is used to store different "versions" of an item. On each update of the item, the serialized values of the item will be saved in the version table. Item modul will have a "versions" relationship containing all versions of the values for this item.""" @declared_attr def versions(cls): tbl_name = "nm_%s_versions" % cls.__name__.lower() nm_table = Table(tbl_name, Base.metadata, Column('iid', Integer, ForeignKey(, Column('vid', Integer, ForeignKey(""))) versions = relationship(Version, secondary=nm_table, cascade="all") return versions @classmethod def create_handler(cls, request, item): cls.update_handler(request, item) @classmethod def update_handler(cls, request, item): """Will add the serialized values of the item into the version table. :request: Current request :item: Item handled in the update. """ version = Version() item_values = item.get_values(serialized=True) version.values = json.dumps(item_values) = request.user.login = datetime.datetime.utcnow() item.versions.append(version) def _get_version(self, author, id): if not author and not id: return self.versions[-2] # iterate over the revsersed versions ignoring the last one for version in self.versions[-2::-1]: if id and == id: return version elif author and == author: return version return self.versions[0] def get_previous_values(self, author=None, id=None): """Returns a dictionary parsed from the last log entry of the item containinge the previous values for each field if it has been changed.""" if len(self.versions) < 1: return {} else: pvalues = {} last = self._get_version(author, id) try: values = json.loads(last.values) for field in values: if field == "data" and isinstance(self, Blob): blobdata = json.loads(values[field]) for blobfield in blobdata: pvalues[blobfield] = blobdata[blobfield] pvalues[field] = values[field] except: log.warning(("Could not build previous values dict. " "Maybe old log format?")) return pvalues
[docs]class Owned(object): """Mixin to add references to a user and a usergroup. This references are used to build some kind of ownership of the item. The ownership is used from the permission system. It is posible to configure inhertinace of the owner and group from a given parent element. This information is used only while creating new instances of the modul. If configured, the default group and owner information will be overwritten. This is done at the very end of the creation process. See ''save'' method of the BaseItem. You can configure the inhertiance by setting the name of the relation to the parent item in the ''_inherit_gid'' and ''_inherit_uid'' class variable. """ _inherit_gid = None """Variable to configure a inheritance of the gid. The variable should be the name of the relation to the parent element from which the gid will be taken""" _inherit_uid = None """Variable to configure a inheritance of the uid. The variable should be the name of the relation to the parent element from which the uid will be taken""" _owner_cascades = 'save-update, merge' """Variable to configure the behavior of the relation to the parent item if the owner of an itme is deleted. Defaults to 'save-update, merge'. See SQLAlchemy documentation for more details. This means a user can be deleted depending on the ForeignKey setting of the child items. In case the FK allows null values the user can be deleted and the owner of the child item will be NULL. If the FK must not NULL the item can not be deleted. Set this variable to 'all, delete' of you want to delete all items owned by the user too.""" @declared_attr def uid(cls): fk_name = "fk_%s_%s_%s" % (cls.__tablename__, 'uid', 'users') return Column(Integer, ForeignKey('', use_alter=True, name=fk_name)) @declared_attr def owner(cls): # Defining cascading and backrefs on Userclass does not work and # seems to be senseless anyway. if cls.__name__ == "User": return relationship("User", primaryjoin="" % cls.__name__) else: # The backref is private and only used to place the cascading # behaviour. backref_name = "__%s_item" % cls.__name__.lower() return relationship("User", primaryjoin="" % cls.__name__, backref=backref(backref_name, cascade=cls._owner_cascades)) @declared_attr def gid(cls): fk_name = "fk_%s_%s_%s" % (cls.__tablename__, 'gid', 'usergroups') return Column(Integer, ForeignKey('', use_alter=True, name=fk_name)) @declared_attr def group(cls): return relationship("Usergroup", primaryjoin="" % cls.__name__) def is_owner(self, user): """Returns true if the Item is owned by the given user.""" return == self.uid def is_member(self, user): if return in [ for user in] else: return False
[docs]class Nested(object): """Mixin to make nested (self-reference) Items possible. Each item can have a parent item and many children. The class will add two relation attribute to the inheriting class. The parent item is available under the *parent* attribute. The children items are available under the *children* attribute.""" @declared_attr def parent_id(cls): name = "" % cls.__tablename__ return Column(Integer, ForeignKey(name)) @declared_attr def children(cls): name = cls.__name__ join = "" % (name, name) return relationship(name, primaryjoin=join, backref=backref('parent', remote_side=[]), cascade="all") def get_parents(self): """Return a list of all parents of the current item :returns: List of BaseItems """ parents = [] if not self.parent: return parents else: parents.append(self.parent) parents.extend(self.parent.get_parents()) return parents def get_children(self): """Returns a list of all children und subchildren :returns: List of BaseItems """ childs = [] for child in self.children: childs.append(child) childs.extend(child.get_children()) return childs